I actually started off as an Economist, obtaining my Bsc. degree from Covenant University (with First Class Honours), but by the end of my third year I was sure I didn't want to fully practice Economics. I explored cinematography and photography for a bit, real estate and even customer relations but I was only able to find peace but not purpose in photography.
As a kid, I loved technology and whatever amount I was exposed to thrilled me. So after graduation, I decided to explore that instead and somehow I ended up at the University of Toronto, concluding my Master's degree in Information Systems and User Experience Design. I wasn't even sure what I was getting myself into when I applied, but it was one of the best decisions I ever made.
Might be a bit corny but I think the answer is "why not design?"
I never really noticed how much impact the design of things had on the lives of people till I took interest in design. Funny story actually, I stumbled on Sinéad Burke: Why design should include everyone TED Talk a couple of weeks before I was set to start my design program and it changed my life. That talk gave more context to my thirst for knowledge and framed most of the decisions I made whilst in graduate school.
I found peace in photography because it taught me to look at things from a different perspective and appreciate it no matter how mundane. Design taught me the same, and that was how I found purpose in design. Design, like photography, is constantly teaching me to be more sensitive and empathetic, seeing things not only in my perspective but in the perspective of others. I believe this is the reason why I am very passionate about inclusive design. I think to not consider some people in the design of things is to take away their voice and leave them oppressed, and no one deserves to experience that.
I find myself needing to learn or do something new. I am either hacking traditional recipes by giving it a western twist or exploring cities and enjoying nature. When I'm broke, lazy or both, I read articles and explore the black hole that is Quora. I also double as a Zombie Slayer and Apocalypse survivor, I take my State of Decay very seriously (I play video games).
I am very big on community and am currently building a community of Nigerian tech enthusiasts by bridging the communication gap between local Nigerians and Nigerian tech enthusiasts in diaspora. I also run an online book club called the Product Book Club, where we read and discuss tech/product/design books. We are almost at 200 members.
Generally, you can catch me at the centre of any product or design related tech meetup (and if you do, say hi!).
Reading: The Customer Funded Business by John Mullins
Watching: Life in Pieces
Building: My knowledge on startups and businesses
Writing: An article on staying foolish and staying hungry
Thinking: Of all the places I’d like to visit this year
Procrastinating: Getting my Driver's License
Eating: An unhealthy amount of Almond Croissants 😩